Monday, 22 August 2011

2 weeks post-op abdominoplasty

I slept in my own bed and I slept all night.

My tummy muscles don't hurt today.

I need to resist the urge to sweep the floor- I can probably do it, I want to do it but I shouldn't do it.

I am feeling a bit depressed. I know that this is a situation that i created but being unable to do things around the house is getting to me.

I know that the this is stating the obvious but somehow the thought of having nearly 4 weeks off work seemed like a great chance to get all those bits and peices done around the house (in between watching T.V and having naps). Reality check- I am just on half way and still can't get things out of the frezeer. I don't think the tops of the kids cupboards are going to get sorted out.

It feels like I will be like this forever. Can't wait to get back to the gym.

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