Friday, 12 August 2011

Day 2 postop- abdominoplasty

I woke up today feeling much better. I had survived on panadol and voltaren over night. I even woke up in the middle of the night hungry and had a muesli bar and cup of tea before settling down for another 5 hours sleep.

My overnight success meant that one of my drains was removed as well as the drips and oxygen tubes. Of course this freed me up to have a shower. I was happy to have a shower but after standing like an old lady for 15 minutes while washing, drying and dressing I was exhausted. My back ached and i was ready for a nap.

The doctor came to visit me today and i got to have my first look at my tummy. Wow! I couldn't beleive that all the wrinkly skin was gone. I have to say that it looked weird though because my whole abdominal area was swollen on top and below my 'new' belly button. Even still I am happy with the result already. I gave the Dr a high five as he left the room!

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